August 2024, Volume 26, Issue 7
Table of ContentsA Message from Your President
Fall Seminar – Implementing the Statewide Stormwater Rule
Fogarty Training Center – Last Chance to Renew Stormwater Operator Certification for 2024
FSA Membership Renewals Have Begun!
Keep your membership current and don’t miss any of the great member services that are available to ALL of the employees in your organization! First renewal notices for FSA’s 2024-25 fiscal year were sent in mid-August via USPS and email to the primary contact for your organization. These early notices were sent to allow local government members to pay next year’s dues with remaining funds from the current fiscal year. If you are the primary contact for your organization, keep an eye on your inbox for renewal emails from FSA. Questions? Call us at (888) 221-3124.Winter Conference – Registration Opening Soon!
Florida’s stormwater industry continues to evolve with a changing regulatory environment, a growing focus on water quality, and an increase in the frequency and intensity of storms. FSA’s educational events provide stormwater practitioners with up-to-date information on the issues facing today’s stormwater practitioners. Save the date for FSA’s 2024 Winter Conference to be held December 4-6, 2024, at the Embassy Suites Orlando Lake Buena Vista South in Kissimmee. The Conference will feature DEP Day, Laws Rules and Ethics for Professional Engineers, and two days of educational workshops highlighting a number of topics including compliance with recent regulatory changes, flooding and infrastructure challenges, and innovative green infrastructure solutions. Registration will open in September! FDEP Triennial Review – Workshop ReminderFSA would like to remind members that a virtual webinar to provide an overview of proposed Triennial Revision revisions has been scheduled for September 10, 2024 at 9 a.m. EDT. FDEP has posted an agenda for the meeting and draft revisions for Chapter 62-302, and Chapter 62-303, F.A.C, and Chapter 62-4.242 F.A.C. FSA will be attending the virtual webinar and stay in contact with FDEP staff to address any questions or comments we may have once revisions are posted.
LOSOM AdoptedAfter many years of reviewing, updating, and revising, the Lake Okeechobee System Operating Manual (LOSOM) was adopted on August 12, 2024, finalizing a lake management plan many believe will better address harmful discharges to the Caloosahatchee and St. Lucie rivers. The adopted plan will also target discharging more water to the south, restoring the more natural flows to the Everglades and Florida Bay. The US Army Corps of Engineers LOSOM page provides a link to the adopted document along with further information on management plan implementation. FDEP Accepting Comments on 2024-2025 Springs Grant Funded Proposed ProjectsThe FDEP Springs and Watershed Restoration Program will be accepting comments on proposed 2024-2025 projects until September 9, 2024. The program has provided a list of projects that can be reviewed and commented on, and we would recommend any FSA member who proposed a listed project review the materials and provide supporting comments. The majority of proposed projects focus on nutrient reductions to address impaired springs or target increasing water quantity to meet Minimum Flows and Level (MFL) requirements. FDEP TMDL Priority List of Waters 2024-2026A proposed TMDL two-year work plan has been released by FDEP, and they are allowing stakeholders to review and comment on the plan until September 6th. The two-year workplan is guided by the TMDL Prioritization 2.0 framework developed in 2022 which sets overall goals for a 10-year period. All comments should be submitted by email to [email protected]. We appreciate your feedback! Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about FSA. |