September 2024, Volume 26, Issue 8

Thank you to our Newsletter Sponsors!

 Table of Contents

A Message from Your Membership Chair
Amy Eason, Martin County, Membership Committee Chair

Amy EasonI am excited to announce that FSA’s current membership is the highest it’s ever with 352 organizational members! The Membership Committee set a high goal last year and I look forward to continuing this path for the upcoming fiscal year. I have no doubt that we can continue growing and improving as Florida’s premiere association for stormwater resources. There is no better testament than each one of you providing your input and testifying to the benefits that FSA provides. I consider all of you to be members of this committee. As FSA continues to flourish, the Membership Committee remains dedicated to membership retention, originating innovative recruitment strategies, and analyzing member services.

October kicks off FSA’s Fall Recruitment Campaign and continuation of the membership renewal process. Although the Membership Committee is tasked with communicating member benefits to potential members and generating innovative recruitment tactics, I like to think that this mission is really an association-wide event for FSA. As you conduct business and meet fellow colleagues, reach out to those you know and work with and encourage them to join FSA if they are not already members or to renew their membership. The Member Services page on FSA’s website is a great tool when talking to potential new members and a reminder to current members about all the great benefits FSA membership brings. Please remember to renew quickly to maintain your organization’s member benefits.

I am honored to be FSA’s Membership Committee Chair, and I look forward to another productive year!

FSA Seminar and Statewide Stormwater Rule

The FSA Fall Seminar was held on September 6th in Kissimmee, FL, with a focus on the implementation of the Statewide Stormwater Rule. The Statewide Stormwater Rule is now effective, and the Seminar focused on implementation and what deadlines are in place or approaching. Staff from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), the Southwest Florida Water Management District, and the City of Tallahassee provided in-depth analysis of the key components of the Statewide Rule that local governments must consider and address. New reporting requirements were presented for cost estimates and training, along with discussions on significant future requirements associated with meeting performance criteria. Local government representatives participated, leading a discussion on approaches to implementation and components of the rule that need to be considered with future stormwater management projects. FSA greatly appreciates the information provided by FDEP, WMDs, and local government representatives, who not only provided information but answered questions from participants and took comments on what else is needed to best educate local governments on the implementation of the Statewide Stormwater Rule. Visit the Statewide Stormwater Rule section of the FSA Advocacy page for a complete history of how we got here and resources to help with implementation efforts.

If you were not able to join us for FSA's 2024 Fall Seminar, we have you covered! All session content, including Question and Answer sessions were recorded for your information and use. Access to Seminar Recording is available for purchase (Member-$49/Non-Member-$69). Each purchase includes access to Seminar Recording for one user. 

FDEP Triennial Review Revisions

FDEP held a workshop on September 10, 2024, to present revisions to the state water quality standards Chapter 62-302, and Chapter 62-303, F.A.C, and Chapter 62-4.242 F.A.C. Numerous draft revisions are proposed, from sampling methods and protocols to the adoption of new maps detailing the classification and listings of state waters. Meeting materials and proposed changes can be viewed on FDEP’s Triennial Review of Water Quality Standards webpage.

FDEP Posts Final Biennial Assessment Study List and Study List Removals

FDEP has released the final Biennial Assessment 2022-2024 final assessment lists of waterbodies and water segments proposed for addition to the Study List and Study List Removals. These lists were developed pursuant to Chapter 62-303, Florida Administrative Code. FDEP has developed an interactive map (Biennial Assessment 2022-2024 Final Lists) of the waterbodies and waterbody segments by WBID that are proposed for addition to the Verified List, Delist List, Study List, or Study List Removals. The final Biennial Assessment list was developed with water quality and biological data included in the IWR Run 64 Database.

2025 Legislative Session Calendar

The 2025 legislative session starts on March 4, 2025 and is scheduled to end on May 2, 2025, Interim Committee meetings will begin in early December 2024 and are scheduled to run for two weeks, and then another set of Interim Committee meetings are posted for mid-January and most of February. While the last two Legislative Sessions have focused on passing the Statewide Stormwater Rule, this upcoming Session could see some interesting topics, like wetlands permitting, further water quality related bills, and additional bills targeting the implementation of the Statewide Stormwater Rule. Mark your calendars and help FSA as we look out for your interests!

BMAP Update Meetings

For FSA members located in areas of water quality restoration plans, specifically Basin Management Action Plans (BMAPs), the state is holding a series of public meetings to go over recent updates to all BMAPs that are targeting nutrients. For any member that has missed a meeting, all materials are posted or will be posted to FDEP’s BMAP webpage. For members in areas with planned meetings, you can also find times and scheduled meetings posted on the BMAP webpage. Entities located in BMAPs need to be aware of these new changes, which will most likely include some updated or new allocations that will be required for BMAP compliance. In some areas this is not necessarily a new concept, but for members in springs basins or more recently adopted BMAPs, the allocation process will be new. New wastewater requirements may also be required and should be considered as BMAPs move forward. FSA stays in contact with FDEP BMAP staff and is always ready to assist with questions as they may come up.

Identifying Regional Water Quality Restoration Project Priorities

The Water School at Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU), in collaboration with FDEP, is conducting a statewide initiative, mandated by Florida Legislature (SB 1638), to identify regional water quality restoration-related project priorities across Florida. Funding has been provided for this work and FSA members are invited to participate in this important effort by completing a questionnaire designed to identify current and upcoming water projects that may seek funding.

This initiative aims to gather data from various offices, which will be consolidated into a comprehensive report to help improve water quality across the state. Grant funds that would be dispersed as contracted services for this data collection effort are available to support your participation in this process.

The Water School at FGCU plans to send the questionnaire in October and wants to hear from you to set up a service agreement and move forward with your participation. Your input is essential in shaping the future of water resource management in Florida, and we hope you will consider contributing to this effort.

For further details or to express interest, please reach out to:

Dr. Rachel Rotz, Assistant Professor, The Water School
Lead PI, Water Quality Restoration Project Identification Study
Florida Gulf Coast University
Office: 239-745-4684
Email: [email protected]

Membership Renewal Open Now!

FSA’s 2024-25 fiscal year begins November 1st. Don’t let your membership lapse! Keep all of your member services and benefits current for ALL of the employees of your organization. Early renewal notices were sent in mid-August. QUESTIONS? Call (888) 221-3124.

FSA Winter Conference - Are You Registered?

Registration is now open for FSA’s 2024 Winter Conference. The Conference will be held on December 4-6, 2024, at the Embassy Suites by Hilton Orlando Lake Buena Vista South in Kissimmee. We hope you will join us for FSA’s final educational event of the year which will offer attendees the opportunity to network with peers, see the latest products and services in the Exhibit Hall, and learn from leading stormwater experts from across the state. The Conference will feature Pre-Conference events including the biennial DEP Day co-sponsored by FDEP and the required Laws, Rules and Ethics for Professional Engineers followed by two days of presentations covering a variety of key issues facing Florida’s stormwater community. Register today!

2024 is Flying By - Don't Let Your Certification Expire!

The last opportunity in 2024 to renew your Stormwater Operator Certification will be through online webinars held on November 5, 2024. FSA Certifications must be renewed every five years. The Fogarty Training Center offers Online Recertification Webinars that provide a convenient, cost-effective way to renew your certification. Register for Level 1 and/or Level 2 by Friday, October 25th to save your seat!

Not sure when your certification expires? Log in to your personal FSA profile, scroll down to find your Level 1 and/or Level 2 expiration year or you can view the Stormwater Operator Certification Renewal Date List.

 We appreciate your feedback! Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about FSA.