October 2024, Volume 26, Issue 9

Thank you to our Newsletter Sponsors!

 Table of Contents

A Message from FSA’s Conference Committee Chair
Mike Hardin, Conference Committee Chair, Geosyntec Consultants

Mike HardinFSA’s Winter Conference registration is open and there’s still time to secure your spot! This Winter Conference will take place at the Embassy Suites by Hilton Orlando in Buena Vista South from Wednesday, December 4th to Friday, December 6th. This is the same beautiful facility where we had our last Winter Conference and recent Fall Seminar. We are excited to see everyone again to share ideas and grow our personal connections. As always, these events are a can't miss!

The Florida Stormwater Association strives to be your best source for stormwater education, product information, and networking. This year’s conference will feature FSA’s biennial “DEP Day,” an excellent pre-conference workshop focused on important FDEP regulatory topics presented by FDEP staff. Additionally, for the Professional Engineers that need Professional Development Hours (PDHs) for Laws, Rules, and Ethics, FSA is featuring Ed Bayó to present again this year. As a friendly reminder, all conference attendees are eligible to receive continuing education credits.

We hope you’ll join us for the last event of the year, we look forward to seeing you there!

Support FSA Education - Exhibitor and Sponsor Opportunities Available!

Are you looking for a way to show your commitment to the stormwater community? Seeking an opportunity to share your products with Florida’s stormwater professionals? If so, show your commitment and interact with stormwater professionals as a Winter Conference exhibitor or sponsor! The Winter Conference will be held December 4-6, 2024, at Embassy Suites Lake Buena Vista South in Kissimmee, Florida and is a great opportunity to promote your organization. Learn more or register today on FSA’s Conference page.

2025 Education Events - Save the Date

Fall is in the air and 2024 is coming to an end. As you prepare for 2025 be sure to get FSA’s events on your calendars! Save the date now to join us next year for FSA’s preeminent stormwater education:

  • Webinars - March 20, 2025 and May 15, 2025 - Free Online Events
  • Annual Conference - June 11-13, 2025 - Sanibel Harbour Marriott
  • Fall Seminar - September 5, 2025 - Embassy Suites Lake Buena Vista South
  • Winter Conference - December 3-5, 2025 - Embassy Suites Lake Buena Vista South

Stay tuned for more details including the release of the Annual Conference Call for Presentations in November!

LAST CHANCE to Register for the November 5th Recertification Courses is Today!

Registration will close today, Thursday, October 31st for the Stormwater Operator Recertification Courses. FSA Stormwater Operator Certifications must be renewed every five years. The Fogarty Training Center offers Online Recertification Webinars that provide a convenient, cost-effective way to renew your certification. Register for Level 1 and/or Level 2 today!

Don't know when your certification expires? To find out you can view the Stormwater Operator Certification Renewal Date List or contact FSA. Visit the Fogarty Training Center's recertification webpage for all the details.

Don't Let This Be Your Last Newsletter - Renew Today

FSA’s 2024-25 fiscal year begins November 1st. Don't let your member benefits end, renew today! After November 1st, your organization's membership will enter a temporary 30-day “Grace Period.” If we don’t hear from you, your organization’s membership will expire on November 30th and all benefits will be discontinued. Renewal information has been sent to the primary contact in your organization. If you would like to check on your membership status, give us a call at 888-221-3124 or email FSA today.

Invest in the Future of Stormwater Management!

Did you know that FSA’s Educational Foundation sponsors scholarships every year? Join us at the 2024 Winter Conference to see this year’s recipients. By providing these scholarships, students are encouraged and inspired to pursue careers in stormwater management.

The Foundation needs your help. These scholarships are only made possible by you, with your generous contributions. The best part is your contribution is a WIN! WIN! By donating, you not only help to further the stormwater management profession, your donation is also tax-deductible.

Individuals can give - Organizations can give – It’s tax deductible!

2025 Legislative Session Preparation Begins

As the 2024 calendar year comes to a close, FSA will begin preparations for the upcoming 2025 Legislative Session. The 2025 Session formally begins March 4, 2025. Prior to this, interim committee meetings will start in December 2024 and are scheduled to run until the beginning of session. FSA will be meeting with legislators in December to not only ensure that your priorities are understood, but to also protect key past initiatives including the implementation of the Statewide Stormwater Rule. It is critical to closely monitor legislation to ensure there are no additional exemptions or grandfather provisions for the Stormwater Rule. FSA will also be looking to members to identify any key local initiatives or actions that could benefit all members, so please contact FSA if you feel any action may need FSA support.

FSA will continue to provide updates on how Florida’s Legislative Session progresses, from publishing the “member-only” weekly Priority Issues document, holding the annual 2025 spring Legislative Update webinar, to the summer overview post session workshop presented during the FSA 2025 Annual Conference.

FDEP Quality Assurance Rule Development Notice

On November 4, 2024, at 1 p.m. Eastern FDEP will be holding a virtual public workshop to discuss proposed changes to the Quality Assurance Rule (Chapter 62-160, F.A.C.). The Quality Assurance revisions will be presented at the workshop and participants will be allowed to comment on the revisions and rule language. FDEP has posted revisions including changes for continuous monitoring with field meters procedures, further instructions for collection of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances samples, additional options for field measurement of chlorine, transparency and turbidity, updates to sampling proficiency requirements for bioassessment methods, and updates to lab certification standards. Visit FDEP’s Quality Assurance webpage for details.

Florida 404 Wetland Program Litigation Update

The state of Florida’s wetland permitting program (the “404 Program”) has been in an almost yearlong battle over authority on permitting oversight. As a reminder, the Florida 404 wetland permitting program assumption of authority was vacated in February 2024 due to an appellate court decision from the U.S. District Court in Washington D.C. The District Court’s decision was based on the presiding judge siding with plaintiffs’ concerns over the endangered species review process not meeting adequate regulatory thresholds. Since February 2024, the state of Florida has filed motions to overturn the decision or expedite the judicial process, with limited success in speeding up the appeal process. The state provided the court briefing arguments this September. Further briefings, along with responses, should be completed later this year and into 2025. Overall, the wetland regulatory process in Florida continues to be in a state of confusion and uncertainty. In September of this year the USACE noted that they hired outside firms to assist in the 404 review process, mainly to address the backlog of permits that continue to grow due to a stalled court system. FSA will continue to track this issue to keep members informed.

Florida Communities Trust Grants Available

The Florida Communities Trust Parks and Open Space Florida Forever Grant Program is accepting applications for project funding for the 2024-2025 grant cycle. A webinar to review the application process and provide further details on the funding cycle was held on October 29, 2024. The Parks and Open Space grant program is a state land acquisition grant program that provides funding to local governments and eligible nonprofit environmental organizations for acquisition of community-based parks, open space and greenways that further outdoor recreation and natural resource protection needs identified in a local government comprehensive plan. The application cycle will run from November 1, 2024 to January 15, 2025. For further information, contact the Florida Communities Trust program.

FDEP Triennial Review - Comments Posted

Under the Federal Clean Water Act all states are required to conduct a comprehensive review of all water quality standards at least once every three years, known as a Triennial Review. FDEP has been actively working to update state Water Quality Standards (Chapter 62-302, Chapter 62-303, and Chapter 62-4.242 F.A.C.) holding a workshop on September 10, 2024 to discuss revisions and provide a platform for public comments. Visit FDEP’s Triennial Review of Water Quality Standards page to view the slides presented at the September workshop along with public comments provided. FDEP has not finalized any revisions at this time. The overall process to finalize changes will require approval from the Environmental Resource Commission and the US EPA.

FDEP Response to Comments - Draft FIB TMDLs

In April of 2024, FDEP initiated the process to update and propose new Fecal Indicator Bacteria (FIB) Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) in southwest Florida, specifically in the Everglades West Coast Basin. This effort included providing opportunities for input from stakeholders, from holding a workshop in April 2024 where public comments were accepted, to holding individual meetings with impacted stakeholders. FDEP has been working to address comments associated with the challenges of addressing fecal bacteria pollution. Visit FSA’s Advocacy page to view FSA’s April 2024 comments and FDEP’s responses.

 We appreciate your feedback! Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about FSA.