Bach McClure, PE

Bach McClure, PE
Brevard County
Stormwater Program Administrator


Does your local government/special district have an established stormwater utility or similar financing mechanism?

How long have you been a member of FSA (years)?
18 years.

Have you served FSA in the past?
Yes, for the past two years.

What abilities and attributes can you bring to the Board?
I am patient, generally, and enjoy learning new things.  I enjoy researching information and background; and analyzing a wide variety of issues.  This allows me to get acquainted with new issues quickly and apply what I learn to the various issues FSA is facing.  I can visualize the "big picture" as well as the local impacts of proposed solutions and changes.

What background and experience do you have in the stormwater industry?
I have a broad range of experience in the civil engineering world with a special focus over the decades on stormwater and flooding.  In recent years, I've had an additional focus on nutrient removal techniques and applications for treating stormwater.  I started in floodplain modeling in Florida in the early 90's and moved through a variety of civil related jobs over the years.  For the last 18 years, I've been employed with the Brevard County Stormwater Utility (now a program under Natural Resources) and have gradually assumed (and been assigned) more responsibilities within the Stormwater Program and in the County in general. The County Stormwater Program has been implementing proven and innovative techniques for flood mitigation and nutrient removal since before I started and we have continued that trend.

Why do you want this Board position?
I'd like to continue serving the broader stormwater community as well as Brevard County and its municipalities.