Shannon Wetzel

Shannon Wetzel
Seminole County
Watershed Management Division Manager

How long have you been a member of FSA (years)?
I have been a member for 20 years.

Have you served FSA in the past?
I have not previously served on any FSA Boards or committees.

What abilities and attributes can you bring to the Board?
I believe I can provide a unique perspective to FSA's Educational Foundation Board of Directors.  My 30+ years as an environmental professional has always included working with stormwater and water resource professionals as well as students.  Seminole County has an active student internship and volunteer program through its Watershed Management Division which I have been fortunate to be part of for the past 20 years.  I would appreciate the opportunity to be involved with FSA's scholarship and research opportunities since it provides a pathway for students to directly interact with stormwater professionals and get involved with stormwater research.

What background and experience do you have in the stormwater industry?
I received my degrees in Limnology and Aquatic Ecology but during my professional career, I've collaborated on a daily basis with water resource professionals. I've been involved in environmental consulting, regulatory and for the past 20 years serving Seminole County citizens. I've managed the County's NPDES MS4 permit for the past 19 years, provided environmental  and erosion control trainings and coordinated the planning and implementation of water quality improvement projects. As a long-standing Seminole County employee with overall 30+ years of experience in the watershed management and environmental regulatory fields, I am confident that the skills and experience I bring to the table would be beneficial to FSA. I have a proven history of public service with the ultimate goal of helping our citizens and improving our water resources.

Why do you want this Board position?
Education outreach and training have always been a very important part of my career and I'd like the opportunity to work with FSA's Educational Foundation.