November 2024, Volume 26, Issue 10
Table of ContentsA Message from Your FSA Legislative & Agency Relations Committee Chair
FSA Membership – Is This Your Last Newsletter?
This could be your last newsletter! FSA’s fiscal year began November 1, 2024. The 30-day “grace period” allowing member organizations and their staff to continue receiving member benefits ends on November 30, 2024. FSA is sending renewal notices to your organization’s primary contact, contact us today if you need a copy of your invoice. FSA 2024 Winter Conference Sees Record Attendance
FSA’s 2024 Winter Conference is set for next week in Kissimmee, FL. We are excited to announce that this year’s Conference will see record attendance with over 290 participants and over fifty exhibit representatives! The Conference will feature two Pre-Conference events - the biennial “DEP Day” co-sponsored by FDEP and the required "Laws, Rules and Ethics" for Professional Engineers. The Opening Session will feature keynote speaker Wesley Brooks, Chief Resilience Officer for the State of Florida, and will close with the presentation of this year’s FSA Educational Foundation Scholarships. The Conference will continue with two days of presentations on a number of topics impacting Florida’s stormwater community. A big thank you to our Exhibitors and Sponsors for their support of FSA – thank you! New FDEP Leadership
Shawn Hamilton, Secretary of FDEP for over three years, resigned from his position in early November. Secretary Hamilton had been with the Department for over 20 years, from working at the Northwest District office to working in various departments in Tallahassee, his broad experience was a valuable asset to moving difficult and often contentious initiatives forward. Under Hamilton’s leadership, FDEP continued to expand funding for water quality projects, increased water quality restoration areas, and further built the agency’s resiliency program. One of Secretary Hamilton’s most important initiatives, completing the updated Statewide Stormwater Rule, was completed. The Statewide Stormwater Rule was an effort which faced many hurdles and roadblocks, and he was pivotal in achieving the goal of getting a final product that has now been ratified and is effective. FSA greatly appreciates his efforts, and his willingness to work with the membership as the Rule progressed along the path to being effective. Finally, we wish him all the best in his next endeavor in the private sector. Florida Environmental Regulatory Commission Meets in December
The Florida Environmental Regulatory Commission (ERC) will have their first meeting in over 5+ years on December 13th in Tallahassee. The ERC was created by the Legislature as a part of the oversight of FDEP rulemaking concerning air and water quality standards and rules. ERC members are selected by the governor and are representatives of agriculture, the development industry, local government, the environmental community, residents, and members of the scientific and technical community. The ERC has a full agenda for their December meeting including two rules - one for potable reuse and the other for grease waste disposal and removal. Visit the ERC website for specifics including the meeting time and location. Standards for Onsite Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems RulemakingMany FSA members wear multiple hats, from managing stormwater, working with or assisting in the treatment of wastewater, to participating in water quality restoration plans that address all aspects of pollution. An effort that FSA members should be aware of is new FDEP rulemaking to address Onsite Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems (OSTDS), systems that are commonly referred to as septic systems. FDEP is proposing revisions to Chapter 62-6, F.A.C., "Standards for Onsite Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems," which define the authority for qualified private providers to inspect onsite sewage treatment and disposal systems with written authorization from a system's owner. FDEP held a workshop on November 18th to provide an overview of the revisions and take comments from the public. Spring Lawsuit Over Delayed Regulatory ActionsLitigation pertaining to Florida springs management has increased recently as the Florida Springs Council (FSC) filed a lawsuit against FDEP saying they have not met legislation that mandated the creation of rules to address the protection and management of flows in springs. The lawsuit notes the requirement that was listed in 2016 legislation, part of the overall legislative push to add further protection to springs via the Florida Springs and Aquifer Protection Act and has still not been completed. The lawsuit was filed November 6th and as of this publication no comments have been made by FDEP. Mark Your Calendars for the 2025 Legislative Session
DEP GSI Project Inventory The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is working to build a Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) Project Inventory and would like your help! GSI is an effective strategy for reducing pollution and managing stormwater by retaining rainfall near its source, rather than directing it into a centralized pond or treatment system. Common examples of GSI include bioswales, permeable pavement, bioretention cells, tree box filters, green roofs and rain harvesting systems. The goal of the GSI Project Inventory is to identify where and what types of GSI projects are being implemented throughout Florida. This will also provide a comprehensive, accessible list of these projects via the GSI website. If you know of any GSI projects in your area, please take a few minutes to complete our brief survey and provide the necessary information to include them in the inventory. You can access the survey by visiting the FDEP GSI website. Please reach out to [email protected] with any questions. Thank you for your participation! Invest in the Future of Stormwater Management!
Did you know that FSA’s Educational Foundation sponsors scholarships every year? By providing scholarships, students are encouraged and inspired to pursue careers in stormwater management. 2025 Annual Conference – Save the Date!Mark your calendars for FSA’s 2025 Annual Conference to be held June 11-13, 2025, at the Sanibel Harbour Marriott. The Call for Presentations will launch in December and stormwater leaders throughout Florida are invited to submit presentation proposals. Watch your email for more information to come soon! We appreciate your feedback! Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about FSA. |