What's New
Bacteria TMDLs Published by FDEP (Updated)In 2022, FDEP published draft updates to fecal indicator bacteria TMDLs for certain impaired surface waters in the Everglades West Coast Basin. The Department's plan was the proposed TMDLs for certain waters in southwest Florida will serve as a pilot for a new, consolidated approach that FDEP will use to address fecal indicator bacteria impairments on a statewide basis. More information on the proposed TMDLs and draft Reports may be found on the Department’s website. The comment period for the first draft TMDLs closed in April of 2022 and FSA provided comments primarily centered on the fact that the proposed rule tends to place most of the burden to prove or disprove the actual source of bacterial pollution on the MS4 permit holder.
In April of 2024, FDEP proposed new updates to the draft TMDLs, and FSA provided comments on the updated documents. FDEP provided responses to FSA's comments and are available for review.
Statewide Stormwater Rule
Stormwater Needs AssessmentsSection 5 of HB 53 (2021 Session) required each county, city or special district that provides stormwater services to create a 20-year needs analysis. By July 31, 2022, each county was required to compile the information from the jurisdictions within its borders and transmit the data to the Legislature's Office of Economic and Demographic Research (EDR). EDR is to prepare a Report projecting statewide stormwater needs by January 1, 2023. As of September, 53 (of 67) counties submitted information, including data from over 800 jurisdictions - most was from independent special districts. For more information, contact EDR or view presentations from the FSA 2021 Annual Conference or the FSA 2021 Winter Conference on HB 53. Results from the Needs Analysis for Stormwater have been published on the EDR website. Water Quality Enhancement Areas (WQEAs)
In 2022, the Florida Legislature passed House Bill 965, now Chapter 2022-215, Laws of Florida. The bill authorizes the creation of water quality enhancement areas (WQEAs), which are defined as natural systems constructed, operated, managed, and maintained for the purpose of providing offsite regional treatment for which enhancement credits may be provided. In addition, the bill requires the construction, operation, management, and maintenance of a WQEA to be approved through the ERP permitting process and requires a WQEA to address the contributions of pollutants or constituents within a specific area determined by FDEP that does not meet state water quality criteria. Wetlands Delegation (404)After years of discussion and debate, on December 17, 2020, EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers delegated the authority to issue dredge and fill (“section 404”) permits to the State of Florida. That agreement was quickly challenged by a coalition of environmental groups in Washington, DC, federal court. If upheld by the court, FDEP will be the State’s lead agency administering the program. Permits impacting traditional “navigable” waters would still be issued by EPA and the Corps; permits impacting all other jurisdictional waters will be issued by FDEP and other state agencies. Florida is only the third state to obtain authority to issue 404 permits, if the agreements are upheld. On February 15, 2024, the U.S. District Court in Washington D.C. ruled in favor of plaintiffs who challenged the US EPA’s approval of Florida’s assumption application for the 404 Wetland Permitting program, a landmark decision that could have significant impacts to future development in the state. The decision was based on issues surrounding how the state handled the Endangered Species Act review and noted discrepancies between the state and federal process. The District Court’s ruling vacated the decision that provided FDEP with the authority to manage the 404 Wetland program and now could potentially bring the program back under federal jurisdiction. On February 26, 2024, FDEP filed a motion seeking a partial stay on the decision of the case. The motion included recommendations for moving forward, but most importantly requested the stay be in effect for six months with the ability to extend. At this time, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has begun to take on the permitting responsibilities from FDEP and will continue to process applications until further notice. This action may change as decisions are made on the FDEP motion for a stay and/or potential future appeals to the February 15th ruling. More information may be found on FDEP’s 404 webpage and the US Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory page. WOTUS Rulemaking [Jump to latest update]Waterbodies that are subject to federal jurisdiction are termed Waters of the US or “WOTUS.” Such waters are subject to the provisions of the Clean Water Act and NPDES permitting programs, dredge and fill regulations, endangered species policies, etc. WOTUS policy has been subject to wide fluctuations over the past 20+ years, due in part to highly variable court decisions and also policy changes from one administration to another. Recent attempts to clarify WOTUS policy was initiated with the adoption of new regulations in 2015. Litigation throughout the country on those regulations was still underway when a new (and very different) set of regulations were adopted in 2020. Litigation over those regulations is still underway. In January of 2022, a new appeal was filed seeking to clarify the Supreme Court of the United States 2006 Rapanos decision. Sackett v. EPA asked the Court to clarify when a wetland is subject to the CWA and oral arguments were heard on October 3, 2022. A decision should be issued by the Court in early 2023. On January 18, 2023, the EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers published the final "Revised Definition of 'Waters of the United States' rule". The rule was set to take effect on March 20, 2023, however the Rule was blocked in Texas and Idaho due to a U.S. District Court ruling. Additional rulings are pending from Federal courts in North Dakota and Kentucky, as well as a decision from the Supreme Court. On March 29, 2023, the U.S. Senate approved a Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution to block the Biden administration’s rule defining Waters of the United States (WOTUS). A companion resolution already passed in the U.S. House. President Biden later vetoed the CRA. On April 12, 2023, a U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of North Dakota granted a request from 24 state officials (Florida included) to block the rule from being implemented in their states. This combined with a recent federal court ruling in Texas granting requests from Texas and Idaho for a preliminary injunction against the rule, makes for a total of 26 states that are now subject to the regulatory regime that was in place prior to the 2015 rule. On May 10, 2023, a decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit granted approval for Kentucky to block the implementation of the most recent WOTUS rule. With this ruling, Kentucky becomes the 27th state to block the implementation of the new WOTUS rule, going back to the pre-2015 version. On May 25, 2023, the U.S. Supreme Court narrowed the reach of the Clean Water Act (CWA) over wetlands, holding that only wetlands that are "indistinguishable" from adjacent jurisdictional waterbodies can be covered by the law. This decision effectively overturns wetlands provisions in the January 18th revised Rule. The Court's decision in Sackett v. EPA generally endorses the long-controversial "continuous surface connection" test for CWA jurisdiction over wetlands, rejecting the broader "significant nexus" standard that emerged from competing opinion in the same case. The Supreme Court ruled that EPA had overstepped its authority in determining wetlands on the Sackett property and requiring remediation of construction impacts. The decision greatly limits EPA's authority on determining wetlands and requiring CWA permitting actions which could lead to significant changes to states implementation of wetlands permitting and 404 programs. On August 29, 2023, EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers issued a "good cause" final rule narrowing the definition of WOTUS to align with the Supreme Court's decision in Sackett v. EPA, which eliminates the the "significant nexus" test for determining whether any waters are jurisdictional while also excluding "adjacent" wetlands and "interstate wetlands" from the definition of jurisdiction waters. View the pre-publication version of the rule and EPA's Fact Sheet to learn more. On September 8, 2023, the final "Revised Definition of Waters or the United States'; Conforming," became effective after publication in the Federal Register. On March 13, 2025, EPA announced that the agency will be collaborating with the United States Army Corps of Engineers to fulfill President Trump's commitment to reevaluate the definition of "Waters of the United States." This initiative aims to ensure that any revised definition complies with the law, streamlines bureaucratic processes, reduces permitting costs, and fosters a more business-friendly environment nationwide, all while safeguarding the nation's waterways from pollution. Watch for communications from FSA as the process moves forward. Jump to earlier updates or see previous updates in the WOTUS Archive. HISTORY"10-2" General Permit Report IssuedSection 5 of SB 712 also directed FDEP to review and evaluate permits submitted pursuant to Section 403.814(12), FS, for compliance with state water quality standards and improvements to the permitting program. Section 403.814(12) provides for a general permit for stormwater systems that are less than 10 acres and include less than two acres of impervious area. FDEP's Report on the 10-2 permitting program was issued in December 2020. Biosolids
Biosolids is a byproduct of the sewage treatment process that must be periodically removed to keep the plant operating properly. There are three different classes of biosolids, depending on the level of treatment the biosolid receives before disposal. Biosolids policy was the subject of much interest during the 2019 Legislative Session and was contained in SB 712 (2020 Session). With the passage of SB 712, rulemaking was re-initiated and FSA submitted additional comments on October 19, 2020. An (updated) proposed rule on biosolids disposal was published on December 3, 2020, along with a Statement of Estimated Regulatory Costs. HB 1309 passed during the 2021 Session, ratifying the FDEP rule on biosolids. For more information, visit FDEP's Biosolids Webpage. Infrastructure Investment and Jobs ActCongress passed H.R. 3684 - the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act - in early November, which President Biden signed into law on November 15, 2021. The measure covers a wide range of projects, from drinking water, to energy, to broadband and transportation. Several provisions addressed water quality and stormwater. See FSA's summary here. MS4 - Phase II GP Rule RevisionsEPA adopted the final MS4 General Permit Remand Rule on November 17, 2016, to satisfy a remand order from the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. The Final Rule embraced what came to be known as “Option 3” or the “State Choice” alternative, representing the most flexible alternative that had been considered by the Agency as far as NPDES program administrators and MS4 permit holders are concerned. FSA had submitted comments on draft regulations released by EPA revising the permit criteria for small MS4 jurisdictions. FSA's comments centered on the fact that the proposed regulations were improperly noticed and included requirements for numeric effluent limits - a measurement of water quality historically used only for point source discharges, like wastewater or industrial facilities. EPA's revised rules were the result of a settlement agreement between EPA and environmental organizations dating back to 2003. FDEP proposed rules adopting EPA's 2016 Phase II regulations "by reference" in November 2017 and adopted its final revisions to the General Permit for Phase II MS4s in early 2021. Numeric Nutrient CriteriaIn 2009, FSA was the first association of local governments to intervene in the original federal litigation concerning numeric nutrient criteria for the State of Florida. Numerous other parties have since intervened in one or more matters in the courts. Related information:
Stormwater UtilitiesSince the “Gainesville II” decision in 2003, the Florida Supreme Court has not ruled on another case concerning payment of stormwater utility fees by governmental entities. See the Opinion of FSA legal counsel concerning payment of SWU fees by schools and state agencies. Ocala reaches SWU Agreement with School Board Key Stormwater Utility Fee Cases
Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLS)FSA widely distributed its Position Paper: Implementation of Total Maximum Daily Loads to members and other key policy makers throughout Florida. Triennial ReviewThe CWA requires states to review their surface water quality standards (WQS) every three years (Triennial Review). FDEP held a public workshop on September 10, 2024 to solicit public comments. View the presentation and public comments. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic coinciding with the lack of a a fully membered Environmental Regulation Commission (ERC), the WQS revision effort was delayed until September 2024, when FDEP held a public workshop to review changes and provide an opportunity for comments on proposed revisions. The 2024 effort did carry over some changes from the 2019 effort, but also included newer revisions including classification of specific waterbodies, nutrient numeric criteria (NNC) implementation, and updating assessment methodologies. The FDEP WQS webpage contains all water quality standards information, from historical efforts to the current proposed revisions. FSA staff are monitoring this Triennial Review, and communicating with FSA members and FDEP staff as the process moves forward. Waterbody ReclassificationFSA is actively involved in front of the Environmental Regulation Commission on such issues as the revisions to the Impaired Waters Rule and state Water Quality Criteria. FSA petitioned the ERC to adopt revisions to the antiquated system of classifying waters in Florida; initial revisions were adopted in May of 2010. Related reclassification documents include:
September 6, 2011 - EPA approves revisions to Florida’s reclassification system that were adopted by the Florida Environmental Regulation Commission on May 20, 2010. Water Quality Credit Trading Rule Adopted
FDEP's Water Quality Credit Trading rules have been finalized, effective January 11, 2016. |